Monday, May 23, 2016

A Letter to the Mothers of the Boys in My Life

Dear Moms,

Now before you run away thinking this is just some strange post by a boy-crazed teenage girl, please oh please give me a chance.

I just wanted to thank you. All of you.

In a world ridden with immorality and disrespect, I am so grateful to know so many good young men.

Your sons are kind. They are honest. They are compassionate.

I see them care about others. I see them offer to serve in a million ways, even and especially when they don't think anyone notices. I see them stand against that which is bad and choose what is righteous and clean and good. I see them choose to not look at inappropriate pictures. I see them avoid bad media. In today's crazy world, that is HARD, but your boys are so strong.

They are examples to me, and it is because they have moms like you! (and some great dads, too ;)

Thank you for teaching them to be gentlemen. Thank you for teaching them to love. Thank you for preparing them to one day be wonderful fathers and incredible husbands.

They love you so much. Sometimes we teenagers forget to say that, but I can see it in their smiling eyes when they talk about their moms. They are so proud to be your sons!

Please tell your boys that even when we are bad at showing it, we are amazed by their goodness and courage and strength. We don't tell them enough, but we respect who they are, and we love what they do. It makes my heart so happy that they surround me with so much goodness despite the wickedness that is coming from every side. 

Thank you for all that you do. I can't yet imagine how hard it must be to be a mother, but know that your efforts are not at all going unnoticed :)


p.s. Please share this with a mom you know to lift her spirits a little today! And to all you moms of teenage girls, I love you too! I'll have to write up that post later ;)

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