Monday, June 6, 2016

His Ways Are Higher

I  have this idea in my head of how my life should be going at any given moment. Often, my life feels way out of alignment with that idea, but other times, it feels absolutely perfect.

Things are going great. Everything is the way I feel it should be. Life is rainbows and butterflies...

And then out of thin air, some darn trial will fall out of the sky and hit me smack in the face.

Now, I know that trials are good and help us to grow. I always come to terms with them, and I am eventually so so grateful. In the moment? Well, I hardly ever immediately feel that way.

It is SO easy to question why a loving God would "ruin" a perfect fairy tale with a vicious dragon. Why would he send a storm on our happy, sunny little picnic? Why would he allow heartbreak and confusion and fear to set in when he could have left us feeling so content???

To be honest, I don't always know.

But I know that God knows. 

I don't always know the details of His plan.

But I have to trust in His plan.

If I lived my idea of a perfect life, I would probably have many happy moments, but as I live His idea of a perfect life, I know that I am so much more incredibly joyful!

In this sense, His concept of perfect is much difference than ours, but of course it is! Heavenly Father is the only one who is all-knowing. If anyone knew the perfect way to string together a series of happy and sad moments to create a life perfect for each of us, it would be Him.

His ways are higher.

Even though my way seems like it would save a few thousand tears now, I know His way will eventually save us millions of tears.

Things will not always go your way. Hate to break it to you, but that's life.

We must remember, however, that things will always go His way.

It takes a ton of faith to follow a path that is not always immediately clear, but I know that as we do, we will be led to the most glorious future. It will not be the way our mortal minds imagined it, but it will be prepared for us by a heavenly being who only creates perfect endings to our fairy tales.

In the words of Gordon B. Hinckley, "It isn't as bad as you sometimes think it is. It all works out. Don't worry. I say that to myself every morning. It all works out in the end. Put your trust in God, and move forward with faith and confidence."


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